Friday, October 26, 2012

Random notes of interest:

  • When you go to the grocery store you have to take your own bags, or you can buy one.  When checking out, they always ask, "Packet nushen?"  (Of course spelled differently with the Russian alphabet.)  It means do you need a "packet"- a sack.  If so, you buy them as you're checking out.
  • You have to take all fruits, vegetables, loose nuts, candy and cookies to a lady which mans a scale nearby the produce section to weigh them, tag them and tie the sack.  We've noticed that one new store that just opened does weigh them at the checkout stand now.  
  • There are always an abundance of yellow and red bell peppers.  Green bell peppers are a rarity.
  • Probably most people don't have scales at home for weighing themselves because there are always people on the street with a scale that people can pay to use.  I think it costs one grieven - about twelve cents.
  • Our English students tell us we don't look Ukrainian because we have "smile wrinkles" and most people in Ukraine don't smile :)
  • Things we love here - yoghurt, bread (wonderful, fresh, tastes homemade), watermelon, peaches, tomatoes, fresh herbs.  
  • Things I miss - lined paper - it's all graph paper
  • Weddings are interesting.  They drive through town honking their horns like we do.  The cars are decorated, and the bride and groom car always has very large wedding rings (I suppose styrofoam) on top.  At night they often light fireworks as part of the celebration.  In fact, the first time we heard the fireworks we were in our "Soviet" apartment with the double steel door and my mind instantly pictured a gun attack.  We're told that at some point in the wedding celebration a special cloth is placed on the floor and the first one to step on it (bride or groom) will be the head of the house.  The best man and maid of honor each wear a red sash over their shoulder - can't remember the name, but it's like a Miss America pageant sash.  

We've heard it's already snowed in Salt Lake.  It's still Fall here - low 60's today :)

Meet our hard working missionaries:

From left:  Me, Elder Sedrick (AK), Elder Graham (UT), Sister Johnson (CA), Sister Kotchel (Canada), Elder Welch (GA), Elder Kennedy (VA), Elder Atkin (UT)  Seated:  Elder Beutler (ID)  Such a fantastic group!

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